The primary function of firebreaks is to mitigate the threat of bushfires. Local councils are authorised by the Bush Fires Act 1954 (WA) to achieve this end. The exact requirements vary from suburb to suburb, and we are familiar with the “fire hazard reduction requirements” of suburbs in the extended Perth region.
It is important to be aware that the Bush Fires Act 1954 (WA) authorises councils to freely enter properties and issue fines or complete works at the expense of the property owner. Some councils have been known to forego a letter of warning and proceed straight to the fine. Our fire mitigation services are in place to avoid the situation of unwanted fines and costs.
We provide firebreak services to the following areas and more: Kalamunda, Millendon, Brigadoon, Middle Swan, Upper Swan, Bakersville, Gidgegannup, Mt Helena, Darlington, Helena Valley, Parkerville, Sawyers Valley, Chidlow, Mundaring, Roleystone, Karragullen, Bedfordale, Byford, Cardup, Whitby, Karrakup, Jarrahdale, Dardanup, Waterloo, Picton, Hopeland, Oakford, Rockingham, Mandurah, Peel and the Murray region.
As mentioned, the firebreak requirements will vary between areas, so it is important to check your local council website.
Our approach to fire mitigation consists of fence line clearing, Block Clearing, and Herbicide Treatment. We are fully equipped with a slasher, ripper and rotary hoe to break down any growth. These are attached to the back of a John Deere tractor capable of navigating any fence line or block. For more information, see the Slashing; ripping; rotary hoeing.
Herbicide treatment is applied to firebreaks and broad acreage. We are equipped for any property size and terrain. See more in Herbicide Treatment.
We offer a holistic approach to fire mitigation that aims to dramatically reduce the risk of fire and comfortably meet legal requirements.
"the lawns looked good after last weeks cut, Thankyou very much"
"they did a superb job today, Thank you"
"Thank you, the place looks so good !!"